
18 113.4 智慧財產權月刊 VOL.304 本月專題 人工智慧訓練與著作之合法利用 英國雖已於2020年脫歐,但「1988年著作權、設計及專利法(The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988)」於2014年修正增訂第29A條規定,允許「為非商 業研究目的之文字及資料之重製(copies for text and data analysis for non-commercial research)」之合理使用36。該項立法之原始目的,在因應以電腦演算技術進行網 路大數據之非商業性研究分析,免除其取得授權之困難,有利文字及資料之探勘, 但顯然不適用於搜尋引擎之商業性重製。英國蘇格蘭及威爾斯高等法院近期將針 對Getty Images 公司控訴AI 開發公司Stability AI 開發之Stable Diffusion 這項AI 系統,未經授權利用其著作之著作權侵害案件進行審理37,各方正密切關切其判決 之可能結果。 事實上,比利時新聞媒體編輯組成之著作權集體管理組織Copiepresse, 於2006 年就Google 之搜尋引擎重製其著作,對Google 提出侵害著作權之訴。 Google 一路敗訴,直到2011 年5 月上訴法院作出Google 敗訴判決後38,雙方才 達成和解,Google 付出5百萬歐元之使用報酬39。 36 29A (Copies for text and data analysis for non-commercial research) (1) The making of a copy of a work by a person who has lawful access to the work does not infringe copyright in the work provided that— (a) the copy is made in order that a person who has lawful access to the work may carry out a computational analysis of anything recorded in the work for the sole purpose of research for a non-commercial purpose, and (b) the copy is accompanied by a sufficient acknowledgement (unless this would be impossible for reasons of practicality or otherwise). (2) Where a copy of a work has been made under this section, copyright in the work is infringed if— (a) the copy is transferred to any other person, except where the transfer is authorised by the copyright owner, or (b) the copy is used for any purpose other than that mentioned in subsection (1)(a), except where the use is authorised by the copyright owner. (3) If a copy made under this section is subsequently dealt with— (a) it is to be treated as an infringing copy for the purposes of that dealing, and (b) if that dealing infringes copyright, it is to be treated as an infringing copy for all subsequent purposes. (4) In subsection (3) “dealt with” means sold or let for hire, or offered or exposed for sale or hire. (5) To the extent that a term of a contract purports to prevent or restrict the making of a copy which, by virtue of this section, would not infringe copyright, that term is unenforceable. 37 Getty Images (US) Inc & Ors v Stability AI Ltd [2023] EWHC 3090 (Ch) 38 Copiepresse SCRL v. Google Inc., Tribunal de Première Instance de Bruxelles, 13 February 2007; confirmed by Cour d’Appel de Bruxelles (9eme Ch.), 5 May 2011, rulings #25-26. 39 參見CNET, Steven Musil, Google settles copyright dispute with Belgium newspapers,https://www. cnet.com/tech/services-and-software/google-settles-copyright-dispute-with-belgium-newspapers/ (last visited Dec. 20, 2023).