2019 Annual Report Intellectual Property Office

V. IPR CREATION AND USE 03 Invention Shows and Awards In September 2019, Taiwan Innotech Expo was held at Taipei World Trade Center (TWTC). A total of 1,200 patents and technologies from 25 countries (regions) at 875 pavilions were showcased. The event attracted a total of 45,526 visitors. An invention contest was held alongside the Innotech Expo. A total of 659 domestic and foreign entries were enrolled in the competition. Of these, a total of 392 entries comprising 15 platinum, 111 gold, 112 silver, and 154 bronze medals were awarded. In addition, to promote commercialization The 2019 Taiwan Innotech Expo The Opening Ceremony of the Innotech Expo 2019 In April, TIPO hosted the Award Ceremony to commend the winners of the 2018 National Invention and Creation Award. Also, to promote the winning works to the media, the Display of Winning Works was held during the ceremony. The Award Ceremony of the 2018 National Invention and Creation Award and the Display of Winning Works National Invention and Creation Award of patented technologies, two summits on international IP strategies and 7 sessions of business discussions and seminars were held. The "Pavilion of Outstanding Inventions" was set up at the exhibition hall to showcase the 41 awarded entries from the National Invention and Creation Award in 2018 and to provide business matchmaking opportunities for Taiwan's high-quality patented inventions. Subsidizing Inventors Partaking in International Invention Shows TIPO subsidized residents attending major international invention shows to encourage invention and facilitate global business transaction opportunities. In 2019, TIPO subsidized 146 airfares to people winning at 11 international invention shows in European and Asian regions, with the amount of totaling NT$ 4,690,848. 2019 TIPOANNUAL REPORT 65