Page 69 - 2018 Annual Report Taiwan Intellectual Property Office
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     Inventions" was set up at the exhibition hall, showcasing awarded entries from well-known international invention exhibitions, as well as 48 platinum winners from the INST of 2014-2017. The exhibition was aimed at increasing exposure and creating business matchmaking opportunities for Taiwan’s high-quality patented inventions.
  Exhibition venue of the Taiwan Innotech Expo
National Invention and Creation Award
The 2018 National Invention and Creation Award Competition received 504 submissions, selected 465 shortlisted entries, and gave out 26 invention awards (six gold and 20 silver) and 15 creation awards (five gold and 10 silver), with prize money totaling NT$8.4million. Winners of this year span a wide spectrum of fields, such as photoelectric liquid crystal, ICT, medical materials, and smart machines. The inventions are not only highly practical, but also have huge potential in the market.
Vice President Chen and distinguished guests at the Innotech Expo opening ceremony
Review committee meeting of the National Invention and Creation Award
   Subsidizing Inventors Partaking in International Invention Shows
TIPO subsidized residents attending well-known international invention shows to spark inventive spirit and expand global business transaction opportunities. In 2018, TIPO subsidized airfare of 144 inventors winning at 9 international invention shows in the EU and Asian regions, with the amount of totaling NT$4,768,434.

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